There are only a few things better than working from the comfort of home..........
Are you interested in a real work from home opportunity? A chance to have more control over your time? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to choose when you work or how much you work?Over 300,000 people in the United States work from home offices providing customer support services to many large clients. Finding the right work from home opportunity can be challenging, but you've come to the right place.
Bleu Cabbage Virtual Services LLC has partnered with Arise Virtual Services LLC, a leading provider of virtual business services which offers opportunities to provide contract services to an awesome selection of well-recognized Fortune 500 companies. It's incredible, you can work for great companies, earn a desirable income, and do it all from the comfort of your home!
Flexible Work Schedules
Choose the companies you wish to work for and select the best schedule for you. The commute to your home office will save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in gas and your corporate dress code is up to you. No more ties or painful heels.
More time with your family is an invaluable benefit of working from home. You can actually spend more time with your family than with your co-workers. You can create a more effective balance between your personal and work life, while saving money and time. If you are a computer-savvy, well-disciplined, detail-oriented person with a great personality, this is the perfect opportunity for you.
- Grow skills
- Learn from experience
- Demonstrate passion
- Be helpful
This opportunity is great for independent, computer savvy individuals who are looking to make extra money or supplement their income.
Working is really great for:
Military Spouses stationed in the 48 contiguous United States.
College students
Mothers with school age children.